EST1091 Blog post 1: Bioprinting

Bioprinting is a manufacturing process similar to 3D printing and it is very promising for use in medicine. Bioprinting applications include testing drugs, treating injuries and it may even cure people waiting for new organs.

The way bioprinting works is as follows. (Use 3-5 sentences from the reading passage to explain how bioprinting works - put it in your own words).

The first bioprinter was made by Professor Makoto Nakamura in (say the year the first bioprinter was made). It was used to create (say what the first bioprinter was used for). By 2014, a California company, Organovo  was printing (say what the California company was printing by 2014).

One of the big goals of bioprinting technology is to create (say what a big goal of bioprinting is). Additionally, bioprinting may one day be able to (say what bioprinting may be able to do in the future). When scientists are able to do this, (say who the world will change when doctors can print organs and body parts). 


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