FAU1-1081 Blog post 1: Fake News and...

Fake news as defined by Cambridge Dictionary refers to false stories that appear to be news, spread on the internet or using other media, usually created to influence political views or as a joke. Although fake news comes in many different shapes and forms, the fake news I want to talk about in this post are misinformation, disinformation and propaganda.

Misinformation  refers to false, incorrect or inaccurate information that is intentionally put out there in order to deceive, fool or lie to people. Misinformation is  often designed to get people to think, vote or believe differently than they would have if they had known the truth. For example, CNN has been caught hundreds of times for deceiving/lying about President Trump. Why does CNN do this? Because CNN is owned by super rich globalists who want centralized control of the people rather than democracy.

As for disinformation, it’s very similar to misinformation. While it is usually put out there to intentionally “misled” people (into believing, thinking or voting in a certain way), it may or may not be accurate. For example, news channels will take what someone said in one situation and then insert it into another situation in order to discredit, smear or harm that person’s reputation.

Finally, propaganda refers to biased or one-sided information used to promote, publicise or  sell people on a political cause or point of view. For example, while promoters of socialism will often promote the idea of the state or people owning everything, what they don’t tell you is that a small group of people usually end up controlling everything from a central location.

In conclusion, while misinformation, disinformation and propaganda are just three types of fake news, once you begin questioning everything and applying common sense when looking at information, the fake news gets a little easier to see. I In order to not be fooled by fake news, I suggest that people keep an open mind and check to see what other sources are saying.


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