Kind of like a Plan

Although I do not see a detailed plan for moving through this world and changing it/me/all for the better, I do have within what I speak and do a broad plan in the works to work with what is here (wherever I am), participating in bringing about a new found land based on the principle/s of equality within what is best for all.

Basically this means that to change the world for the better right now requires that those participating in the process of changing do so from wherever we are rather than waiting to get to the next point of readiness. For me, this translates into the practical realization that, rather than moving to another country and/or attempting to enter into a new field of expertise, I will be more effective by simply leveraging my current career as an educator so to from within the education system assist students and teachers alike to realize that we as the creators of the relationship lines that interconnect and flow from each of us as cause are equally as one responsible for all effect, hence the mathematics of changing self for the betterment of all so to change all for the better.

After about one year of re-positioning myself, I am now at Asia University in Taichung, Taiwan, and although I didn't arrive here with many expectations, I have been pleasantly surprised. Rather than trying to hold on to the old ways of academia, this university embraces change to the point that it even requires instructors (regardless of the grumbling) to embrace it too. Why? I would say that it is because, universities that are unable to differentiate themselves via the graduates they produce will in the near future no longer be in a position to compete against universities that do differentiate themselves. For example: in academic terms, one might say that the economic and financial systems of the world have entered into a state of contraction and consolidation. Unfortunately, this way of speaking of parts of the world system without considering the whole as one is one of the reasons that so many people, students and graduates alike have little to no idea how the world system actually functions, let alone how to comfortably maneuver through it. Herein the point of differentiation – that which will separate the dying academic institutions from the surviving and thriving ones – is the ability and will to look outside of the box for new solutions to old problems to thus teach/prepare young people to face present and future challenges.

As a student and educator of students, my goal is to assist myself and others to look beyond the box of common thought; thereby, expanding one's abilities to consider and create solutions that have yet to be taught.


  1. Thomas, I cant put my blog address in the moodle or I dont know how to do that, but anyway, can I just give you my address in here?


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